Have you ever shared a picture of your Danish social security card (in Danish: sundhedskortet) online? Maybe with a finger across to cover the secret number?
Think you’re safe from identify theft? probably not!
Have you ever shared a picture of your Danish social security card (in Danish: sundhedskortet) online? Maybe with a finger across to cover the secret number?
Think you’re safe from identify theft? probably not!
Finally, you can use the your soloKey or other U2F key with openSSH. It is still very early support so you will have to do a bit of compiling yourself. Here’s how!
Who would have known that a fun project (originating from a computer game idea) would end up 50 years later as being the ground work for most modern operating systems? Happy Birthday to UNIX 50 years.
Not many know that his exact site, schulz.dk, has been one of the most visited in Denmark ever. With 50-175 million unique visitors pr month for years, it showed that even a simple game can be strangely popular….wait what? a game? Yes the gamle pacman.